Hi. This is Jason of Casper & the Cookies. I'm tired of writing bios in artificial third-person. So I'm just going to tell you in my real voice. After years of making bedroom recordings, I started Casper & the Cookies with Kay. Originally, I was going to keep the "Casper &" and change the band name for every album just for fun. A lot of great people have been through this band. They all told me to keep "The Cookies." I should not have listened to them.
Kay and I got married and moved from Atlanta to Athens in 2000. Jim came aboard just before our tour for The Optimist's Club in 2006 and has hung in there--way to go, Jim! We put out a double album, Modern Silence in 2009, right about the time everyone stopped buying records and started putting them all over the internet for free. Drummers came and went. We even played a whole year with an iPod drummer. That was weird. We found Gregory by accident-- or was it fate?--, and now we are four.
You might ask what our music sounds like. That is a hard question to answer in first-person narrative. To avoid any unflattering self-evaluation, here are three reviews I like describing our music.
“Rocking from Athens, GA Casper & The Cookies are a fun little rock and roll band. They’re everything you like best about The Monkees, Nick Lowe, the dB’s, XTC, Sparks, the B-52’s, and earlier Bowie all wrapped up in one colorful musical ribbon.”
--WXPN Blog
“Miles and miles of conceptual pop soundscape. An eternity of possibilities.” --Aiding & Abetting
“This is a band that embraces making challenging music. Their glossy surface is what makes them attractive.” --URB
The albums jump around a little bit stylistically. Some people like that, and some don't. If you don't like that we do that, sorry. Maybe you only eat one kind of food, too. We work hard to make our records the best they can be, which seems to be out of style right now in the rock world. It will be back in style later.
At our live shows we like to play with a lot of energy. Sometimes we dress up. It helps to distinguish the band from the audience.
We were recently named one of Thirty Great Athens Bands in Paste
In 2011, we opened for the B-52s for their 34th anniversary show at the Classic Center in Athens, GA. It was great.
We have also supported The Apples In Stereo, Deerhoof, Architecture in Helsinki, The Blow, and we got to be Daniel Johnston's backup band for a night. It was great.